Natural Help for Diabetes
How many people do you know with diabetes? I know at least 5 people off the top of my head. It is a serious epidemic hitting all ages. And it seems to be hitting more and more children. I have been studying herbs over the years trying to help people find the right blend. I made a diabetic tea about 7 years ago and it has been helping people get off their insulin and medications. What people don’t know is you can change your diet and manage diabetes, but you will never cure it that way. Yes, I did say cure. You CAN heal diabetes!!! There is a cure, but your doctor won’t tell you that because not only are they out customers, the pharmaceutical companies make big bucks off of diabetes because people can’t live without their insulin. Or can you?
Diabetes comes in two types, 1 and 2. Type 1 is diagnosed when your immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Hmmmm, why do you think this happens? I know!! But you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, unless you have dug into the facts about toxins that are injected into your body. What are some toxins that cause your immune system to attack itself? Look up arsenic and dioxin. BAD stuff!! Where do we find these toxins?
The highest levels of arsenic (in all forms) in foods can be found in seafood, rice, rice cereal (and other rice products), mushrooms, and poultry, although many other foods, including some fruit juices, can also contain arsenic. Fatty foods such as meat, poultry, seafood, milk, egg and their products are the major dietary sources of dioxins. Accidental exposure to large amount of dioxins could lead to the development of chloracne, a skin condition, excessive body hair and other skin lesions such as skin rashes and skin discoloration. But don’t let this scare you, thing is, our food today is at an all lowest quality it has ever been! You have to grow your own food to really be guaranteed to know what is in or on your food. And even then, our soil is so depleted and toxic that growing your own isn’t even the best, depending where you live.
Type 2 diabetes is the result of two things going on. Cells in the fat, muscle and the liver become resistant to insulin. Because these cells don't interact in a normal way with insulin, they don't take in enough sugar. The pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to manage blood sugar levels. The poor pancreas is working so hard, but the body says we don’t know what to do with insulin. Now, this type is caused by diet… but is it really? How did the body become resistant to insulin? Have you ever heard of the word “sugar-addict”? People who cannot say no to sugar. So, are all people who are addicted to sugar diabetic? Nope! Why is that? What if everything you are experiencing with diabetes is actual a symptom of the grand scheme. What if you could fix diabetes with foods that heal the body?
Diet alone won’t heal the symptoms, but getting out the toxins that cause the body to act diabetic will!! People have done this! It takes some time, but with Nutrition Response Testing, diet changes, herbal teas and tinctures, eating organic foods… and organic is the key word!! Grass fed meats!! Free range chicken and eggs. Getting real nutrition back in the body. It’s not only about cutting out carbs or watching macros… It’s about quality food!! Get the sugar OUT of the diet!!
The tea I designed helps heal the pancreas. It’s a wonderful tea! A few of my customers have drank this tea and have lowered their use of insulin drastically. They did this without any changes to their diet or meds. It happened naturally. If they would have listened to my diet advice, it would have been even better. This tea blend comes in a 5 ounce jar. The ingredients are: bean pods, dandelion leaf, eucalyptus leaf, gymnema leaf, birch leaves, milk thistle seeds, bilberry leaves, and hibiscus flower. You steep 1 tablespoon in 1/2 cup boiling water for at least 10 minutes. Drink this up to 3 times a day, but not within an hour of meals. Drinking this will help the body tolerate sugar better and heal the pancreas.
If you would like to try this tea, order in SHOP and I can send some to you. Also, if you are on Metformin, the Houttuynia tincture will help with the side effects along side taking the Metformin.